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Design and Technology
‘High-quality design and technology education makes an essential contribution to the creativity, culture, wealth and well-being of the nation.’ (The National Curriculum)
At Manor Park Primary Academy, every child engages in quality Design and Technology (D&T) education from their entry into Nursery until the end of KS2 in Year 6. Our children will, from the early years, develop a sense of creativity, self-expression, excellence and high attainment. We will deliver a curriculum that exposes all children to the arts (including Design Technology), giving them a chance to experience, and participate in a range of creative activities and events.
D&T is taught through the vehicle of Cornerstones Curriculum 22 Mini Projects which are adapted to meet the needs of all of our pupils. Links are made through the connected curriculum where meaningful. The curriculum is designed to enable children to develop knowledge and skills that are progressive, as well as transferable, throughout their time at school and also to their further education and beyond.
We aim for D&T to stimulate creativity, imagination and inventiveness. It should provide visual, tactile and sensory experiences and a special way of understanding and responding to the world. It should enable the skills to work independently and collaboratively to plan, design, create and evaluate their own work and the work of others.
Through D&T lessons we aim to foster an understanding and enjoyment of design and creation. Children should be able to explore different media and respond with original thoughts and imagination. The progressive nature of the curriculum allows children to develop and refine their creative and technical skills and improve their ability to control materials, tools and techniques.
The Cornerstones 22 Curriculum maintains strong links to the National Curriculum to ensure all aspects, knowledge, skills and techniques in Design & Technology are being taught across the academy and that foundation knowledge is built upon from the EYFS Framework.
Creative work in EYFS is based on objectives from the EYFS Framework which children experience daily. Creative work includes art, design, music, dance, role-play and imaginative play. Pupils will have the chance to explore their own creativity through a range of adult led and child-initiated experiences. We provide a rich, exciting and stimulating environment in which we encourage and value creativity. We give the children the opportunity to work collaboratively and alongside their peers as well as experiences with artists and other adults.
All teachers are creative and practical in their approach to teaching, working in line with the school's teaching & learning strategy, with the ability to support children through explicit modelling and in retaining and recalling knowledge through various methods such as low stakes quizzing and use of knowledge organisers. We use assessment for learning within all lessons to ensure that teaching and learning is relevant, teases out and addresses misconceptions which help to plan for next steps.
At Manor Park, we have an electronic Design & Technology knowledge and skills progression map available, outlining clear sequencing of knowledge, skills and vocabulary from EYFS to Year 6. Please contact the school directly for further information.
Please click here to see an example of the progression across one aspect of Design & Technology learning.
As well as engaging in activities planned in coordination with Cornerstone's Design & Technology Mini Projects, pupils may also participate in the following creative opportunities:
D&T workshops run by outside organisations where linked to children’s learning
KS2 Sewing club
KS2 Cooking club
Junk Modelling in Forest School
Exploration of design through innovative technology, such as developing photographic techniques and animation.
Please find our Design & Technology Curriculum Map below.
Through the high quality teaching of Design & Technology taking place, we will see the impact of the subject in different ways.
Through pupil voice, children talk enthusiastically about the knowledge, skills and techniques they have acquired. Children are inquisitive and engaged in their learning and want to find out more. They are proud of their work and often recreate models and recipes at home to further their own enjoyment within their Design & Technology Learning Project.
Pupils at Manor Park leave school having developed a passion for design and creativity, working both independently and collaboratively. They grow in confidence in using a range of tools and techniques, applying the skills and knowledge that they have developed throughout the years and respond critically to their own and other’s work.
Designs, models and creations will show a range of sequenced Design & Technology learning being covered. Links within the connected curriculum are made where meaningful and engaging learning set as appropriate. The school environment will be celebrate pupils work through displays in classrooms and around the school.
We monitor progress regularly through learning walks, book looks and discussions with pupils. Monitoring shows that standards in Design & Technology are very high.
The Maestro assessment tool allows staff to regularly monitor the progress of pupils and provide evidence for robust monitoring of our curriculum.
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