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Global Learning and Lyfta
What is Global Learning?
At Manor Park Primary Academy, children are taught about a range of global issues throughout the curriculum. They learn about the connections we have with people around the world, observing the similarities and differences.
What are the benefits of Global Learning?
Clear links can be made between local and global issues through the teaching of Global Learning. It allows children to:
Engage more within the curriculum
Improve social and emotional learning
Improve critical thinking skills
Grasp a greater understanding of global issues
Develop skills to combat injustice, prejudice and discrimination.
Encourage engagement in discussion
The Sustainable Development Goals
At Manor Park, we try to teach Global Learning by linking lessons specifically to the United Nations, ‘Sustainable Development Goals.’ Children at Manor Park incorporate these goals into their lessons through P4C, Geography, Literacy, PSHE, Maths, RE etc.
Lyfta to teach Global Learning
At Manor Park Primary Academy, Lyfta is is used as an effective resource for teaching Global Citizenship. It is a digital platform where teachers and pupils can access immersive storyworlds and curriculum-based lesson and assembly plans. Lyfta's theme-based learning experiences are ideal for teaching Literacy, PSHE, Global Citizenship and Art, as well as fostering values and skills such as empathy, self-direction and critical thinking.
Lyfta's storyworlds are interactive 360-degree environments that children can explore. They are real places featuring real people whom children can get to know and understand through powerful short documentary films, virtual reality experiences, rich media articles and infographics. Each lesson and assembly is also clearly linked to one or more of the sustainable development goals. Some examples of the environments they can experience are below:
The Awra Amba Experience - children take a trip to a fascinating community in Ethiopia that lives according to democratic and egalitarian principles.
Dinnertime 360 - Families from different cultural backgrounds open their homes to dinner guests, share their meal recipes, and tell their inspiring life stories.
Secrets of the Opera - A visually stunning 360-degree experience invites children to discover the backstage spaces and people behind the shows at the Finnish Opera and Ballet.
Miss Millingen on BBC Surrey
Miss Millingen spoke on BBC Surrey in regards to Earth day, and what we were doing as a school and with our pupils to help. To hear this please click here.