Year 2

Our Curriculum


‘The effective curriculum contributes to the excellent development of spiritual, moral, social and cultural skills. Pupils enjoy studying a variety of topics that fascinate them. The topic on the digestive system entitled ‘bottoms and burps’ was a particular favourite. In Key Stage 1, pupils like researching and writing about their pets.’
Ofsted 2015

Curriculum Intent

At Manor Park Primary Academy we aim to foster a lifelong love of learning, through an evidence-informed curriculum which is ambitious for all, (particularly those most in need and including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) or high needs), balanced, well-sequenced and diverse. It is tailored to individual need, interest and aptitude so as to fulfil every child's potential.  This enables pupils to develop 'cultural capital.'  The curriculum is well-structured, with digital skills and technology used to transform teaching and learning. It fosters a connected approach to learning where appropriate, encouraging children to gain a deeper understanding by making connections. 

Our curriculum covers the national curriculum and the EYFS framework as a starting point and is enhanced by the Trust’s vision of Learning, Excellence and Opportunity. It seeks to motivate and interest children and provides them with a purpose for learning. Manor Park, with support of the wider Trust expertise and resource, prides itself in offering an extensive range of extra-curricular and enrichment activities for learners within and beyond the school, which are considered and thoughtful to our school and local context.

There is a high priority on supporting the well-being of each child and developing character, as well as achieving academic potential. At Manor Park Primary Academy this means teachers plan creatively aiming to combine high standards in the basics with opportunities for enrichment and creativity across the whole curriculum. It is recognised that every child has a different knowledge base and skill set as well as varying aptitudes and aspirations and that, as a result, there is a determination for every young person's needs to be assessed and their talents developed through diverse learning and teaching. Our curriculum is regularly reviewed to ensure that it is relevant for the children and that it accurately reflects their needs and interest, as well as to ensure that our provision is accessible, relevant, engaging and ambitious for all.

The 5 LEO Outcomes are embedded throughout our curriculum, with inclusion at its heart. We aim to develop the whole child and prepare them for the next stage of their learning, including the use of digital technologies, sustainability and twenty-first century skills. We want every pupil  to achieve well, learn together, celebrate diversity and be globally aware. Through our curriculum we provide many opportunities for children to explore and develop their understanding of each aspect of  British Values. 



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