Year 3 - Topic

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13 January 2023

This half term, Year 3 have loved their new mini project 'Animal Nutrition and Skeletal System' where they have learnt all about the importance of nutrition and diet. To begin the topic, they first compared different animal diets and considered whether different seasons affected the diet of the animal. As part of their DT learning, they designed their own healthy, balanced  meal using the healthy plate guide. The children created their own skeletons in Science. They used split pins to demonstrate how joints work and they alabled the key bones and muscles! 


In Literacy, they began the half term by writing a persuasive letter to allow them to go to Stonehenge. The children carefully considered the key reasons why they should be allowed to go, and focussed on using key features including rhetorical questions and persuasive phrases.  They used role play to question each other using persuasive vocabulary. They ended the half term by writing their own adventure story based on the book ‘Stig of the Dump’. The children demonstrated their creative imaginations by thinking of lots of unique adventures the characters could go on! To publish their stories they created their own class book which the children have been loving reading!

In RE, the children took part in a Chiststmas workshop, focussing on meaning and celebrations behind it. This was a lovely way to end their topic this half term as they've been thinking and exploring the importance of light in the different religions and what it represents. 


In Maths, the children have been developing their multiplication and division skills. They have learnt their 3, 4 and 8 times tables. They are able to use their knowledge of these tables to answer multiplication and division questions. They have been able to apply their knowledge of timetables to multiply a digit number by a 1 digit number using the short multiplication method. Also, the children learnt how to divide a 2 digit number by a 1 digit number. 

In PE, the children have been working on the ‘Health and Fitness’ cog. They have thought about the importance of staying healthy and keeping fit. Also, they have discussed what it means to stay healthy and keep fit. They understand the importance of a warm up and a cool down.